We Want To Talk About

These are 2 of the more important things you always need to take into consideration when making any purchase or considering any service, but it is especially important in these economic times.

That is why we have been promoting
If You Are Tired Of
Always Remember You Can Rely On

Because Quality & Integrity Matters!

Since March of 2000, we have been carefully screening businesses to make sure we have
quality people with integrity as the resources we recommend. 

In other words, business people that have
Values that offer
Value to their customers. 

We know you know where to by groceries, you do that every week.  You are up on who has what and for how much. 
But what happens when your air conditioner conks out, or need a new roof because yours is leaking all of a sudden,
or you need to find a business or service you don't use regularly that will actually show up when they say
and that does a great job at a fair price?  We think you should use the businesses that you see CityBizDirectory!
We have already checked them out and continuously monitor them to insure you have a great experience.

And how can you be sure about who and what we offer? 
Because CityBizDirectory does not sell a product or share in an income.
Our only service is our ability to pick and choose and offer you the right choice. 
If we fail to do this, you don't use us.  If this happens, we lose our businesses because you don't use us to find them! 

The checks and balances are in place at CityBizDirectory!

Whenever you need something, log on to CityBizDirectory, read the listings and know if they are here we have vetted them and they are good.
Signing up for our eNewsLetter will 
keep you informed on what is going on in our community,
what events are coming up and everything you need to know to get to them, and what is new and timely in CityBizDirectory!

By all of us working together and sharing information, we can create the ultimate customer experience
to help meet all your needs every time!  Help us help you!

When you think Value and Values, think CityBizDirectory

 Here's some more information we thought might be interesting for you to know

So, How Did We Decide To Do A Monthly NewsLetter?   This idea came from people coming up to me at events and saying "this is great, but it is growing so fast and changes so much and so often, and I don't have time to look through everything all the time ... how do I find out and keep up with what is new and changed in CityBizDirectory?" The answer was to sign up and we will send you a newsletter with exactly that.  What you need to know in an easy-to-use format.  And that was in 2002.  CityBizDirectory was here before Google.  Before Craig's or Angie's List. Before Groupons.  Actually, we are the oldest online quality monitored business resource here in SW Florida! Remember that we started all of this in 2000!  The only service we offer is helping you find local businesses you can trust, with information you need, plus coupons you can click and print so you can save every day!  Don't take us for granted ... and now with mobile technology, you can even take us with you! Remember to rely on CityBizDirectory when you need information because:

We Are A Trustworthy Resource  We are where to go when you aren't in the know! We understand that you know where to buy your groceries, you do that every week ... but do you know where to find a good, honest AC company, contractor, or auto mechanic with integrity?  Someone that will look out for your best interest and stand behind what they do?  WE DO!

We Are Built On Value & Service  We have heard the horror stories about unscrupulous businesses taking advantage of and misleading people.  The phone books and newspapers will advertise anyone and anything that will pay them.  We don't!  Don't get caught in that trap!

CityBizDirectory Does The Due Diligence  The only thing we have to offer is our ability to choose honest businesses.  Over 80% of our new businesses are direct referrals from our existing businesses, and we still check them out! We want to know

It's Just Good Business  When we refer a business to you, we are actually putting our name on them! You see, we understand that if you have good experiences, you will continue to use us as your resource to find good businesses.  We also know that if you have a bad experience, you probably won't trust us anymore. So we go the extra mile to make sure you have good experiences!  Our name and reputation depends on it.  Think of our referral as the CityBizDirectory Seal Of Approval on a business.

Why Don't We Have More In Some Categories?  Because we haven't found more good businesses that need us is usually the reason!  Do you know a quality business that should be in CityBizDirectory?  If you do, we'll even reward you for introducing us! If everyone that regularly used us referred even one good business that they use and are happy with, we would have the best referral site anywhere, with literally anything you could want, and with the right people, the first time every time! Helping us is helping the rest of our community as well as helping the business you refer.  And if they are doing good business, you are helping yourself by insuring they will be there the next time you need them!! Check out how it works then make the call.

Get Our eNewsLetter Sent To You  Every month we let you know what businesses are new and what offers are changed so you can keep up and what events are on the horizon.  If you don't receive this in your email, click here and we'll be sure you get one every month.  We'll even give you a gift certificate to try a business of your choice just for signing up!  You can opt in and out anytime you wish. And tell your friends!  We want to help everyone live better and spend less! It's what we do!

Use All Of The CityBizDirectory Advantages  We have extensive listings, Online Savings Coupons and Topic Groupings to help you find related businesses easily.  We even have an exclusive Site Search to help you find what you want by keyword, Business Owner Profiles to let you know who owns the business and what they are like, and the brain trust of hundreds of time proven honest businesses that help us make good choices for new ones. We ask them because they know! We use all the resources at our disposal to insure you the best possible experience when you use CityBizDirectory.