We get weekly search engine reports from our internal CityBizDirectory Search Engine.
People use this to search for things they do not find in the categories.

When people search for something we do not have, we see an opportunity.
Do you think if we had good businesses to fill these requests that someone would have gotten a new customer?  If one is searching, experience tells us that many others are looking!
These are things people searched for recently that we do not have!
Anything For Entertainment
Septic Tank Cleaning
Replacement Windows
Hair Salons
Hearing Aids
Window Treatment
 Lawn Mowing & Trimming 
Pets - Grooming / Vets
/ Watching 

Boat Canvas
Appliance Repair
Window Tinting
Fishing Boats / Head Boats

Auto Repair - Ft Myers
Assisted Living
 Help - Facilities 

Here are some more business we need!  Help us and we will send you a check!

Help us find quality businesses we obviously need and we will pay you $200.00 for helping us!
Take advantage of this opportunity and you help yourself, the business, CityBizDirectory, and people that are looking for a quality business they can trust. 
Win-Win-Win-Win!  We like that!
If you know someone that has a quality business doing any of the above requested services,
and if they are looking for new and more business, you need to
talk to them, tell them they need to talk to us, and call us and let us know who they are.
We will do the rest!  We obviously have customers looking for them!

Call us to refer a business you think we should have even if it is not on this list,
or if you want to refer a business but are not sure what to do! 

Call CityBizDirectory at 239-549-5599!


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SW Florida's Most Trusted Local Business Directory




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