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This Search Is Provided At The Top Right On CityBizDirectory

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  • The search engine will find pages on this website.

  • The results from CityBizDirectory are found under Search Results

  • For best results enter just one or two words.

  • Searches on more than one word will be treated "as a phrase".

  • The top 3 responses to your search are from the web and are labeled Search Sponsors


CityBizDirectory is equipped with a proprietary search engine that searches the site for key words and brings back the results in seconds. A link is located at the top left of the Navigation Bar on the front page of CityBizDirectory and also at the bottom of each listing page.

When you click on the Search Button Icon, a search box will appear.  A few things you should know:

  • All listings in CityBizDirectory contain Keywords in their descriptions that you can use to find the business.

  • If you are looking for a specific business, just enter the business name.

  • If you are looking for a type of business, try a keyword that business might use in its description.  Ex:  You can find all restaurants by placing the word Restaurant in the box.  You can get more specific.  If you are looking for Ribs, just type Ribs in the box.  Only the businesses that list Ribs in their listing will appear.

  • Because we list businesses by type, you may get a variety of that type of businesses that will appear.  Ex:  If you put in Chicken, all the restaurants that list chicken in their descriptions will appear, but so will all the other restaurants that are of the same type.

You will also find that the Coupons with the search words you list will come up, as will any FYI pages, etc.  The search feature is non-discriminatory.  In other words, if the word you list in the search word is listed on any page, it will be among the choices you get as responses.


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